Order from our Quick Pickup Menu
8" (Serves 8-12) 10" (Serves 18-25) 12" (Serves 30-40) 14" (Serves 45-60)
Chocolate Vanilla Funfetti Gluten-Free Vanilla
Chase Rocky and Rubble Paw Patrol Logo Skye Marshall Other (specify in Order Notes)
FILLING: Vanilla Buttercream Chocolate Buttercream Oreo Buttercream Raspberry Fruit Strawberry Fruit Vanilla Mousse Chocolate Mousse Lemon Mousse Mocha Mousse Raspberry Mousse Strawberry Mousse
FROSTING: Vanilla Buttercream Chocolate Buttercream
Color Theme (Only if different from photo):
Writing on Cake:
Child or Adult?
Decorating Instructions (if different from photo):
Paw Patrol - Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rocky and Rubble, Paw Patrol Logo Cake